Bio Picture


Ada Oppengeim is a contemporary abstract artist with penchants for surrealism and expressive forms.  Ada (AH dah) was born in Tallinn, Estonia and raised in a family of writers and journalists.  She often likes to tell tales of growing up in a medieval fortress* on a stormy Baltic seashore.  Early exposure to creative environments in fantastical settings made an indelible impression on Ada’s imagination, further fueled by love for ancient folklore, mythology and mystical Baltic and Scandinavian landscapes.    

As a self-proclaimed “traveler of dreamscapes,” Ada sets out to unveil the hidden potential in each narrative, guiding the viewer to explore desconstructed and reimagined images, shapes and concepts.  She is particularly enthralled with synthesis of organic and mechanical, and the aftermath of such fusions. Through the use of superimposed, semi-transparent layers and organic shapes, Ada creates an optical illusion of depth, reminiscent of a landscape.  She is also fascinated by humans' innate compulsion to identify and label visual environments and surrounding objects.  By introducing images that are undefinable, yet seem familiar to all walks of life, Ada disrupts this process and entices the viewer to redefine what they see through their own filter of experiences, feelings and memories.  Ada enjoys paving way to individual visual discoveries and sharing her own journeys in the process.       

Ada received her BFA from Massachusetts College of Art. 


Tallinn's Old Town is one of the best preserved medieval cities in Europe and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site